الفيتوري فرج الهادي ابديوي

رئيس قسم التعاون الدولي مدرسة العلوم التطبيقية والهندسية

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: دكتوراه

الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ

التخصص: أنظمة التصنيع ، المواد المركبة ، - الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية

قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والطاقات - مدرسة العلوم التطبيقية والهندسية

حول الفيتوري

أ.د. الفيتوري من مدينة زليتن ليبيا ولد سنة 1969م بمدينة زليتن تلقى تعليمه الأساسي والثانوي بزليتن ثم التحق بكلية الهندسة تاجوراء بطرابلس وتحصل على البكالوريوس في الهندسة الميكانيكية سنة 1990م. واصل دراسته وتحصل على درجة الماجستير في الهندسية الصناعية سنة 1999م من جامعة بوترا الماليزية UPM. وبعدها واصل دراسته العليا فتحصل على درجة الدكتوراه في الهندسة الصناعية سنة 2007م من جامعة بوترا الماليزية. درس علوم القرآن والسنة بالتوازي مع دراسته للدكتوراه في الهندسة ، نال درجة الماجستير في علوم القرآن والسنة سنة 2008م من الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا IIUM. يعمل استاذ في الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية بالأكاديمية الليبية تقلد العديد من المناصب الإدارية منها رئيس قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية ورئيس قسم الجودة والآن يشغل منصب رئيس قسم التعاون الدولي بمدرسة العلوم التطبيقية والهندسية بالأكاديمية الليبية. نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية في دوريات علمية مرموقة، ومؤتمرات علمية دولية في مجال العلوم الهندسية والشرعية. أشرف على العديد من رسائل الماجستير. سجل براءتان اختراع احداها بماليزيا والثانية بليبيا ، عضو في بعض المنظمات العلمية الدولية أهمها IEF و ASME والمجلس الدولي للغة العربية. مهتم بعملية الربط بين العلوم التطبيقية والعلوم الشرعية.

المنشورات العلمية
Experimental testing of composite tubes with different corrugation profile subjected to lateral compression load
Journal Article

Abstract: This paper presenting the effect of corrugation geometry on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy laminated composite tubes subjected to lateral compression load. A comprehensive experimental program has been carried out on three geometrically different types of composite tubes: radial corrugated composite tubes, cylindrical composite tubes, and corrugated surrounded by cylindrical tubes. The three structures are made of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy 600 g/sqm. All specimens fabricated under the same conditions with a fixed number of layers equal to six.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (01-2013), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering: International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering, 2 (7), 183-186

Quasi-Static axial and lateral crushing of radial corrugated composite tubes.
Journal Article


This paper presents the effect of corrugation geometry on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy laminated composite tube. Experimental investigations were carried out on three geometrical different types of composite tubes subjected to axial and lateral compressive loadings. On the addition to a radial corrugated composite tube, cylindrical composite tube, and corrugated surrounded by cylindrical tube were fabricated and tested under the same condition in order to know the effect of corrugation geometry. The results showed that the loading carrying capability is significantly influenced by corrugation geometry in axial crushing. However, no affect of corrugation geometry was observed for lateral crushing. Load–displacement curve was plotted for all conducted tests, thus clear comparison between different specimen's geometry was achieved. It is also found that radial corrugation could significantly applicable as a stable and effective energy absorber.

Elfetori Faraj Abdewi, (03-2008), Journal of Thin-Walled Structures: Elsevier, 3 (46), 320-332

Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel rods produced by Zliten steel factory
Journal Article

In this article an investigation was conducted to evaluate the level of conformity of reinforcing steel rods produced from recycled scraps by Zliten Steel Factory (ZSF) with relevant to Libyan specifications and international standards. A series of experimental tests were conducted to find ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS), and hardness. Bending test has been conducted too. Reinforcing steel rods samples of 12 and 14 mm diameter were subjected to mechanical properties investigations. The tests were carried out for samples selected randomly through three batches at different time. Obtained results were compared with Libyan specifications (LNS-75) and ASTM standard (A-615). Results showed that the locally produced reinforcing steel were conform with the Libyan and international standards in terms of yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, and hardness.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (01-2007), Materials Science and Materials Engineering: Elsevier, 1 (8), 1-6

Effect of Geometry on the Crushing Behaviour of Laminated Corrugated Composite Tubes
Journal Article


This paper is devoted to study the effect of corrugation geometry on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy laminated composite tubes. A comprehensive experimental program has been carried out on two geometrically different types of composite tubes subjected to axial compressive loading conditions. A cylindrical composite tube has been fabricated and tested in order to provide a means of comparison with corrugated composite tube. Both are tested under the same condition to establish the effect of corrugation geometry. The results showed that the initial failure was dominated by interfacial failure, while a folded zone grows progressively down in a form of mushrooming failure. The results also showed that radial corrugated composite tube (RCCT) exhibited good energy absorption capability than circular composite tube (CCT).

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (03-2006), Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Elsevier, 3 (172), 394-399